ESXi Tutorials
After working on a new three node ESXi cluster today, I thought I'd post some helpful command tutorials. Enable SNMP via vSphere CLI (v4.1) Launch vCLI from desktop/startmenu shortcut. Verify you are in the correct directory: C:\Program Files\VMWare\VMWare vSphere CLI\bin 1) Configure SNMP community string and trap host vicfg-snmp --server <server_ip_address> --username root --password <password> -c <public, private, custom> -p 161 -t targetIP@161/<your_string_here> 2) Enable SNMP Agent --server <server_ip_address> --username root --password <password> -E 3) Test SNMP trap --server <server_ip_address> --username root --password <password> -T Patching your ESXi System with vSphere CLI The latest patches can be downloaded here: 1) Download all the necessary patches to your local machine with the vSphere CLI installed...